Hosen Mall
Product center /CASE

Good word of mouth and credibility,Always walking in front of the industry,Maintaining business cooperation with various industries for a long time maintaining the foundation of business cooperation relations

Sapphire Touch Plus  DMX console HS-STPLUS
Sapphire Touch Plus DMX console HS-STPLUS
Sapphire Touch  DMX console HS-ST-Sapphire
Sapphire Touch DMX console HS-ST-Sapphire
Sapphire Touch Light  DMX console HS-STlight
Sapphire Touch Light DMX console HS-STlight
Grand MA  Standard Black horse DMX console HS-CMAS
Grand MA Standard Black horse DMX console HS-CMAS
Grand MA  Pro version Black horse DMX console HS-CMAP
Grand MA Pro version Black horse DMX console HS-CMAP
Grand MA2 lighting console F2  DMX console HS-CMAF2
Grand MA2 lighting console F2 DMX console HS-CMAF2
Grand MA  Naughty Horse DMX console HS-CMAN
Grand MA Naughty Horse DMX console HS-CMAN
Cast Aluminum Indoor DMX Wireless Transmitter and Receive HS-C24-W
Cast Aluminum Indoor DMX Wireless Transmitter and Receive HS-C24-W

Online customer service


   Cell phone:18218189147/13710245139

